As the other side of Del Webb Boulevard looms in the distance we continue deep into Summer as the heat of August approaches the Stickball Cul-De-Sac continues to be the Mecca of young and old. The game of stickball may not be an Olympic event but the battle for dominance of the field of dreams is reaching epic proportions. What if stickball where an Olympic event, they made skateboarding one didn't they ... Can you picture leagues of people from all nations playing the game and having fun! What a dream, meanwhile, we carry on in our corner of the world tied to the NY and Florida franchises with emails and shirts and hopes and visions.
Back in the 'Sac after a week layoff, some of the effects could be seen in the defense while some of the hitting was pretty hot. We had a respectable turnout of 6 on 6 with our illustrious scorekeeper DH-ing for both sides (though a bit more for one than the other ;-) - no matter as the winning side getting the short end of the 'STICK") The Visiting 'Base Desires' had a slow start with only one run off a John W. HR through the wicket of Roger's waiting paws. The Home 'Hit Happens' jumped out to a 9 to 1 lead after 2 twinnings on HR from Bob S. (ping ponging off the Desires outfield) and Manny and Dave M. Triples with ducks on the pond. They scored the max runs in the 3rd inning.
The day wearing on humidity and heat bearing down didn't slow down the Desires as they finished their third twinning with 5 runs to make the score a respectable 6 to 9. Again on a John W. homer, but only another solo shot off the outstretched hand of Roger to keep it from going automatic, small consolation. The previous inning lead to almost max runs of 4 on singles and Steve 2 run RBI double. followed by a couple of RBI singles.
Hit Happens posted 3 in their final twinning on a Manny homer with Dave and Roger in scoring position. Going into the final seventh inning for the Desires with the score standing 12 to 6.
Visitors lived up to their namesake with Triples by Denis and Steve and an Ed RBI single leading to 3 run attack at the home team but coming up just short of their desired result. Steve showing MVP performance on the day in a losing effort, great stats for Steve and some good defense as well.
**** FINAL: ‘Happening’ – 12
‘Desiring' – 9 ****
HOME RUNS: John W. (2), Manny, Bob S.(2!),
TRIPLES: Steve, Denis, Dave M., Manny
DOUBLES: Fran (2), Steve, Denis, Roger, John M.
SINGLES: Fran (2), Steve (2), Ed (3), Keith (2), Denis (for the other team),
John W., Dave M. (2), Gordon (2), Roger, John M. (2), Bob S.,
Denis (lone single for the winning team ;-)
RBIs: Fran, Steve (3!), Ed, Keith, John W. (2)
Manny (4!), Bob S. (4!), Dave (2), Gordon, John M.
Quote of the Day – "Do we want to continue to play in this heat"
Honorable Mention - "Florida takes the summer off"
Yet another schedule time change Y'ALL !!!!!
It was decided to try to start earlier - so 9 am is our next start time this coming Wednesday!!!!
Stickball Y’all, be there for the NEXT game ------>
---- WEDNESDAY ----
----- 7/28 @ 9 am -------
That's NINE am
!!!! Note: not MONDAY !!!! and NOT 10 am !!!!!!!!!!\
As we migrate to an earlier schedule