How It Got Started
Who's on First and WHAT is Stickball?
Definitely, who is on first, and I don't know is on Third but What is Stickball?!?!?! For Sun City Peachtree, Stickball is a passion played by young and old, women and men , Yankees and Southerners. We welcome all comers to the pickup games on game day to enjoy the free for all and comradery that is South of the Bronzk Stickball.
Played with a "Spaldeen" (much the same as a racquet ball) and a short cut broom handle (Personalized larger dowels for some of us). Mainly, there is no RUNNING!! Not after hitting or while attempting to field - in the interest of safety (and current skill levels). Hits are determined by distance from the plate and no defensive player making a clean play on the ball. The further away from the batter the ball hits the pavement, the higher the base - all the way up to AUTOMATIC home run which can not be fielded. The 'field' was created/laid out on the street with cones for markers and a home plate sewer cover made of wood with NYC on it ... things get real.
After the game a wrap-up provides comedy relief and accolades from the days confrontation. The amusing and interesting details of the day unfold in the retold events embellished for the entertainment of all.
Sun City Peachtree Stickball is truly a passion project, started by the founders - Max Katcher and Bob Ley who envisioned a bunch of grown children out in the street playing like the old days and having a great time doing it. Under the mentoring of Commish Marty Ross ,who organized the Wycliffe Stiffs Stickball League at the Village of Wellington, Florida, which plays scheduled games with several set teams, Max and Bob promoted an SCP club activity that fit the landscape, allowing a variety and mix of players and times incorporated into the community calendar of events. Especially since the development provided a perfect undeveloped Cul-de-Sac long enough for the 'field' setup that provided for automatic ball return! (a slightly inclined street) Truly a field of dreams; and they did come - word spread and people responded. It has since gained more and more interest with the passing years, including the social distancing 2020; an activity where players can be teammates one game and opponents the next, promoting comradery and fun as opposed to pure competition.
We hope you enjoy browsing the site and all of the unique content it has to offer. Take a look around; perhaps you’ll discover it fuels you as well. Read on and enjoy, and feel free to come on down and take some swings!!